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Image by Peter Steiner 🇨🇭
Pastor's Corner
Writer's pictureHarbor Christian Church

Harbor Happenings - Fall 2024

Stay updated with what we have going on this Fall


Fall Studies


"Imagine Together" Stewardship Study

About the Series

Over the next eight weeks we are going to be exploring stewardship using a curriculum developed by The Center for Faith and Giving.  The curriculum is called Imagine Together and it invites us to reimagine what it means to be good stewards.   

Pastor Sadie shared last Sunday that stewardship is a much deeper topic than simply giving money to the church.  Stewardship asks us to completely reconsider our relationship to abundance and scarcity, to ask ourselves what gifts we have to give and what gifts we need to receive, to assess whether the gifts we’re giving or receiving have strings attached, and so much more.

We hope you’ll join us for this important study, and we look forward to examining our relationship to stewardship with you.

Psalm Study

Beginning on October 27, 2024, we will begin a four week study of the Psalms.  As we study four different psalms, we will also practice four different types of prayer including: concentration, meditation, contemplation, and embodiment.  

As we explore a selection of psalms, we will experience the heights and the depths of prayer.  We’ll be astounded by the raw expression of emotion we find.  We may even feel a little shocked by the psalmist’s feeling that God is nowhere to be found.  In our study, we’ll be able to see just how wide the basin of prayer that God holds for us is.  Through our time of study we will feel empowered to bring the most raw, most tender, most raging and rioting pieces of ourselves to our prayer life.  God’s basin is vast, and it can hold us.

Also during our Psalm study, we will be curating our community altar.  Beginning on November 3, you’ll be invited to bring something that represents your authentic self to place on the altar.  Perhaps it is a favorite recipe that represents your joy for cooking and sharing food.  Maybe it is a token that reminds you of a loved one who modeled how to be a good father. Or maybe it’s a picture of your childhood pet who taught you an important life lesson.  Take some time to think about how you can represent yourself, your gifts, your love and care by placing something on our community altar.  It will remain on our altar until November 24, 2024 when we will be decorating our sanctuary for the season of Advent.

If you are interested in helping with our Psalm prayer experiences, please reach out to Pastor Sadie.


Harbor Fall Events


Autumnal Equinox Garden Party

Sunday, September 22

Enjoy celebrating the balance of darkness and light as we reflect on our gratitude for what has been, and use it to carry us through the winter into the spring. 

  • BYOP: bring your own picnic and blanket/chairs (standard tables and chairs will be provided as an option for those who need it)

  • Bring ice cream to share (homemade! if you can)

  • Lawn games: Bocce, Croquet

  • Bring your handwork: mending, crochet, sketch books, easels, embroidery and more

  • Dress in your festive tea party inspired afternoon Garden Party attire (optional)

OC Pride

Saturday, October 5

We are looking forward to attending OC PRIDE for the second year in a row! This year, our time will look a little different. We are going to be attending as members of Harbor and looking for ways to reimagine how we will show up in our booth next year. We hope you will join us in being a safe and loving community this year.  And we invite you to help create a plan for next year. 

This is going to be a FUN time of walking around, talking to people, interacting with the booths, and having delicious foods. Please let us know ASAP if you’d like to attend!

Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, October 13

Please join us for our annual Blessing of the Animals.  Bring your dogs, cats, reptiles or whatever kind of pet you have to our gathering.  We will be praying for all of our pets as they are part of our families.  There will be music, blessings and prayers as well as a chance to come together as a community around our non-human friends.  We hope to see you there.

Regional Assembly

Saturday, October 19

The theme for this year’s Regional Assembly is Love your neighbor as yourself.  We will be gathering as pastors and lay people from across our region (southern California, Las Vegas, and Hawaii) on October 18-19, 2024.  There are a variety of educational opportunities each day, several worship opportunities, fellowship time, and shared meals.  The other important part of the assembly is the business session.  If you are planning to attend the Regional Assembly and would like to be a voting delegate, please talk with Pastor Sadie.

If you need support registering for the Regional Assembly, please let us know and we will help.

Choral Evensong

Saturday, October 26

Join our special Evensong choir either as a chorister or concert attendee on Saturday, October 26th. Harbor's music ministry partners with Yorba Linda Presbyterian for an evening of music centered around the theme of Peace, Unity and Love.

Choir will be rehearsing after service on Sundays through September, then Thursday evenings in October. Please talk to Lauren or Macy for details.

Halloween Event

Saturday, October 26

Raise your hand if you attended our Halloween Karaoke night last year!  We are planning all the same fun for our community again this year!  Get ready for spooky snacks, lots of singing, crafts, laughter and a sleepover! 

Dinner & Karaoke is open to our whole community and we hope you’ll share a song too!  

Please let Pastor Janette know so we can get a head count for dinner and snacks. Let's get ready for the spooky season!

Ancestors' Feast

Sunday, November 3

Join us on November 3, 2024 @ 6 PM for our Ancestors’ Feast.  Bring a dish to share that represents something from your lineage, your ancestry, your family of origin, or any food that feels like home to you.  During our feast time you will be invited to share a story or reflection about your dish or from your ancestors if you would like.  We’ll eat lots of good food, talk about the food and the ancestors and enjoy connecting with each other.  If you would like to help plan this event please reach out to Pastor Janette or Caroline Kaufmann.

Thank you for reading our 2024 Fall Newsletter!

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