
What is Blue Theology?
Blue Theology is a week-long summer residential program at Harbor Christian Church in Newport Beach, California, located just across from the Upper Newport Back Bay. Blue Theology at Harbor Supports participants in the development of an ecological spirituality. What do we mean by this? Throughout the week, each group enjoys hands-on experiences that deeply connect them to the surrounding ocean and shoreline ecology. Each evening participants are led in discussions, sacred experiences, activities that support them in crafting their unique ecological lens on spirituality. In other words, Blue Theology brings together real world experience and spirituality, allowing participants to ask new questions of their faith and to open to more expansive experiences of the sacred. ​

Why should you participate in a week of Blue Theology at Harbor?
During a Blue Theology week at Harbor you will learn about the human impact on ocean and shoreline ecology in a variety of ways including hands-on experiences, classroom learning, service projects, community building and more.
You will also be guided through a chosen scriptural study that will support your development of an ecological spirituality. You will be offered opportunities to slow down and find sacred moments where you might not expect them. You will also experience scripture in ways that remind us of the interconnectedness of life. During your week you will be given the time and tools to collaborate on creative projects that you will share with your home community and challenging them to make real world changes.
During your week you will deepen your friendships with your own group and also meet new friends at Harbor!
And finally, during your week you will have an incredible time learning, playing, laughing, and fully enjoying a beautiful part of the world!
Unexpected Gifts of Blue Theology at Harbor
Participants experience life in a newly formed community.

While our participants know one another before they spend a week with us, they likely have not lived together and shared responsibilities. Learning how to care for one another in community is one of the unexpected blessings of our ministry. We are able to make deep comparisons between their communal care responsibilities and the way ecosystems are ​
individual organisms working together for the thriving of all. While our participants know one another before they spend a week with us, they likely have not lived together and shared responsibilities. Learning how to care for one another in community is one of the unexpected blessings of our ministry. We are able to make deep comparisons between their communal care responsibilities and the way ecosystems are individual organisms working together for the thriving of all.
BLOG POSTS , field guide, outside media

Meet Our Director, Rev. Ryan Cullumber
Meet Our Senior Pastor, Rev. Sadie Cullumber
Unexpected Gifts of Blue Theology at Harbor
Participants experience life in a newly formed community.
While our participants know one another before they spend a week with us, they likely have not lived together and shared responsibilities. Learning how to care for one another in community is one of the unexpected blessings of our ministry. We are able to make deep comparisons between their communal care responsibilities and the way ecosystems are individual organisms working together for the thriving of all. Each participant is responsible for keeping their personal space clean and organized and they are also given a different communal role to fill each day. These roles include things like food preparation, and kitchen clean up. For many participants, this is the first time they have worked together with other young people to care for their basic needs. It is always a growing experience for the group and we see so much maturing as the week continues. We are also so glad to see the way that the groups begin to take great pride in their personal and communal space.
Participants learn to be gentle and loving toward their own bodies.
Throughout the week participants will begin their mornings with gentle movements that are designed to wake the body up. We emphasize safe and gentle movement throughout the week as we guide participants on nature outings. We teach the importance of asking for help, drinking enough water, and checking in with how their bodies are feeling throughout the day. We asked Kayla Watts to create some gentle movement videos for our participants to use each morning. She specializes in feeling your energy and listening to your body and she becomes a joyful part of each day! If you’d like to experience one of Kayla's morning movement videos, click here. Each participant is responsible for keeping their personal space clean and organized and they are also given a different communal role to fill each day. These roles include things like food preparation, and kitchen clean up. For many participants, this is the first time they have worked together with other young people to care for their basic needs. It is always a growing experience for the group and we see so much maturing as the week continues. We are also so glad to see the way that the groups begin to take great pride in their personal and communal space.
Participants choose how to engage experiences and learnings each day.
It takes diverse and dedicated people working all across society to make systemic change in the area of climate care. We all have our part to play and each one of us brings unique gifts and experiences to the table. For this reason, our field guide curriculum allows participants to select a lens through which to view their day. Some choose to experience the day as a poet, others may want to be data collectors, or safety guides. We encourage participants to select a couple of lenses throughout the week and this offers the opportunity to see connections across different areas of our world. Throughout the week, participants begin to see the deep connections we all share and they become able to once again see themselves as the body of Christ, or maybe another way of expressing it would be the ecosystem of Christ.
Participants are given safe space to practice talking about their evolving faith.
Sometimes it's challenging to speak up or share your perspectives. During your week at Harbor, you will be given opportunities to share your reflections, your ideas, your questions, your disappointments, even your doubts. Each of our discussions is led by a person trained in creating safe space, who is eager to support you in your developing faith. Remember, being faithful is not a place we arrive, it's a way we live, a posture we hold. Faith is always evolving and growing and this week is sure to be a week of deep faith growth and transformation.
Participants are allowed space to grieve the changed and changing climate.
As hard as it is to express, our climate has already dramatically changed and it continues to change rapidly. It can feel very overwhelming and even scary to really feel our authentic emotions. But when we allow ourselves to grieve the world that was (or could have been), it opens deep places in us. During your week, there will be several opportunities for grief as we learn about the devastating impacts humans have had on our earth. And we hope that you will agree to be led in a special grief ritual during your stay. You'll be offered this opportunity when you are planning your week.